Written by Karl Perera BA, MA, DipLC
Updated: April 8th, 2020

Emotional Support Dogs and Depression

Dogs: They Care of You, Take Care of Them

Service animals are common and they help the physically disabled function in their communities. However, that’s not the only way pets assist people in their daily lives. In addition to these service animals, many local and state governments are creating legislation to protect emotional support pets. Unlike service dogs that assist the physically handicapped, emotional support dogs help patients cope with mental illness.

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These canine lifelines can help with PTSD, anxiety, and of course, depression.

Emotional Support Dogs Help Patients Cope with Depression

A mental health professional prescribes an emotional support dog. This is because he believes that the presence of a pet in the home will be therapeutic for the patient. Caring for a dog can provide stability and focus for individuals struggling with depression and anxiety.

Emotional support dogs don’t enjoy the same freedoms as a typical service animal, specially trained to perform specific tasks. Service animals assist a disabled individual with daily tasks. That is why restaurants, grocery stores, and municipal buildings normally allow them. While most states don’t grant the same privileges to emotional support animals (ESA), there are allowances in housing and air travel. For instance, most laws prohibit a property owner from refusing accommodation to a prescribed ESA, even when that property has a “no pets” rule.

The special allowances for a certified ESA exist because the law recognizes the importance of a pet to a patient who may be getting over depression or striving for sober living in Los Angeles. The companionship of an ESA can help those who live alone and can provide comfort and affection to those with symptoms of depression. An emotional support animal can help ease  anxiety through the love it gives.

Sixth Sense

While their “sixth sense”, (reading your emotions and responding), is miraculous at times, this is much more they can do for you if you suffer from depression. They can help with loneliness and isolation just by being there. They motivate you to get moving, which can be a struggle when all you want to do is hibernate. Of course, exercise leads to the release of endorphins, which fight depression as well.

Caring for Your Emotional Support Dog

There’s more to keeping an ESA than just accepting its love and affection. The patient must accept the responsibility of raising a pet, which means learning what a healthy lifestyle for pets entails. The basics involve providing water, nutritious food and abundant exercise. If your ESA is suffering from pain or discomfort, you may find yourself asking “can a dog take Ibuprofen?” Part of caring for your ESA is keeping them comfortable and safe. Stimulation of the animal’s mind is also important, which is easier through training and structured play sessions.

Additionally, the patient must learn to provide medical care for their ESA, which means regular visits with a trained and licensed veterinarian. At the very least, the pet will need annual vaccinations and a yearly check-up. Also, frequent visits may help to identify serious illness early. Pet insurance is a good idea as well, reviews online at sites like Consumers Advocate are helpful. Even housebound pets can pick up a parasite or infection while outside.

Important things to consider

Catching injuries and illnesses early is important for the owner of an ESA, because the pet serves such an important role in the owner’s life. The unexpected death of an emotional support animal can devastate a patient with mental illness and could set his or her progress back.

Together, the patient and the emotional support animal can enjoy mutual companionship and mental stability. It can become a healthy relationship, fulfilling needs for both patient and animal, but the patient must accept the responsibility of caring for the pet. As the patient takes the new support animal home, he’ll be more capable of coping with the daily struggles of mental illness.

Website Author Bio

Karl Perera is a fully qualified Life Coach, Teacher and Author of Self Esteem Secrets. He has overcome severe depression and now helps others to do the same. His qualifications include Masters and DipLC. He has taught at various universities including Durham University, University of Leicester and Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. He is a member of Mind. He founded Depression-Helper.com in 2001 and is an expert in Depression and Self Esteem.