Written by Karl Perera BA, MA, DipLC
Updated: April 16th, 2020

Why Don’t People Take Depression Seriously?

why depression isn't taken seriously  This is one question that I hear most often from sufferers of depression. Indeed, when I was suffering I didn’t tell anyone that I felt depressed because I felt that they wouldn’t understand what I was going through.

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One of the worst symptoms of depression is the feeling of loneliness. This is the result of the endless negative feeling that no one seems to understand. It takes a lot of courage to tell someone about your depression if you feel that you won’t be taken seriously. This is why so many people suffering from depression fail to get the support they need, they really need someone to listen to them. However, many depression sufferers keep their suffering to themselves.

The need to talk

Suffering alone is a very risky strategy. Personally, I remember when I was deep in depression I didn’t understand I was depressed at all, I just believed my negativity and dark thoughts were one hundred percent real. You need to talk to someone supportive and sympathetic if you are depressed. You will need help to understand what is really happening to you and how it affects your life and those around you. A supportive person can help spot possible warning signs that depression is getting worse. Even better if this person is a professional trained in treating depression.

Depression needs to be taken seriously. It is no joke for those who feel strangled and blinded by this illness. In it’s worst case, and the statistics are horrifying, suicide can result. Taking someone seriously if they say they are depressed can save a life.

So what are some of the main reasons why people don’t take depression seriously?

  • It is almost impossible for someone who has not experienced something so complex to understand it. This is the case with depression. “The pain of severe depression is quite unimaginable to those who have not suffered it,” Styron wrote.
  • Mental health has carried a stigma with it for many hundreds of years and it is still misunderstood today. Therefore, many people are suspicious of those who claim their depression is a mental illness. According to statistics presented by “Time for Change” which is run by Mind and Rethink Mental illness in the UK, 26% of young people give up on life and their ambitions because of the stigma.
  • Most people think they have been depressed and confuse this destructive and paralyzing illness with sadness. They assume that someone claiming to have depression is just sad and needs to “get over it”. They think that if they were depressed and have recovered then others can do it too if they just “pull themselves together”.
  • Another reason why depression is not taken seriously is that those who have suffered put on a brave face and continue working, going out and smiling through the pain. Many have a preconceived idea how a depressed person should look and behave which doesn’t include acting in such a normal way.

What you can do

Well, you can perhaps appreciate now that if you are a sufferer of depression your fears are probably justified. Being taken seriously is a big problem. So what can you do about it?

Well don’t be like I was – please. I just clammed up and stopped talking. Maybe, I thought, I just have to figure this out myself. I even went as far as denying to myself that I was depressed, even I wasn’t taking my own depression seriously. This went on for some time maybe two years or more.

What To Do If you Are Depressed and Want To Be Taken Seriously

You certainly can’t change the way people think or respond but you can change how you talk to others and what you say.

Never say “I’m so depressed”. This never gets the response you want unless the other person understands fully. For instance, if they suffered from depression before, or if they are a qualified professional such as a psychologist or therapist. You should talk about your feelings with someone who sympathizes with you and who really wants to help. Even friends and family can sometimes refuse to accept depression and so you need to choose who you talk to carefully.

The best thing to remember is that most people cannot understand the pain you are going through because they have never experienced it. You shouldn’t expect them to understand. It is best to seek out like-minded sufferers who you can share your feelings with. A professional counsellor or therapist can really help you to come to terms with what you are experiencing and will help point you in the right direction.

It’s hard to understand

As most people don’t understand depression, they don’t know how to help you and will say stuff like “just get a grip” or “smile and everything will be OK”. Don’t get upset – this doesn’t mean they don’t care about you or don’t want you to get better. It just means that they do not know what to do as they have not experienced what you are going through. In these situations it’s best to seek help from elsewhere.

You need, above all, to take yourself seriously. The first step to recovery is to have a more positive attitude, this is necessary but is not the whole answer. It may help your depression from getting any worse. Getting rid of it takes time and patience. Here are some things you can do to help yourself deal with depression.

You need to give yourself every chance of beating depression. Professional help may be an option. If you have sympathetic friends you are lucky indeed, but one thing is for sure, information and an overview of possible methods you can use to help yourself is worth it’s weight in gold. Get a complete understanding of the emotional, physical and mental aspects of depression and all the information about what to do next. End your Depression and start your recovery today.

Try Online Counseling

The most effective method for overcoming depression is a combination of therapy and medication. It’s always good to talk to friends and family, but you may at times need more objective and professional guidance. You can get access to therapy online from the comfort of your own home, keeping your privacy and staying anonymous. Online counseling and therapy is cheap compared to going to a therapist or counselor. It is also extremely convenient, and I’d highly recommend it. Learn more.

Why Counseling?

Are there things in your mind you can’t seem to sort out no matter how you try? Everybody needs help sometimes, whether you are just in need of direction or help with an emotional problem. Whatever it is that is holding you back, online counseling could be what you need.

Depression confuses your mind and makes everything seem hopeless. Online therapy can help you find hope because you will be able to discuss possible solutions. Talking with a professional will enable you to think more clearly and put everything into perspective. The kind of support you get from a mental health professional is very helpful.


Website Author Bio

Karl Perera is a fully qualified Life Coach, Teacher and Author of Self Esteem Secrets. He has overcome severe depression and now helps others to do the same. His qualifications include Masters and DipLC. He has taught at various universities including Durham University, University of Leicester and Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. He is a member of Mind. He founded Depression-Helper.com in 2001 and is an expert in Depression and Self Esteem.